Clean Water Act Wetland Delineations and Permitting

In the West, particularly the Arid West, delineating wetlands and waters of the United States can be tricky. Recent court rulings like Rapanos and Carabell require careful consideration be taken when potentially impacting dry washes, arroyos, and irrigation ditches. Before stepping into the field, Sagebrush's wetland biologists conduct thorough analyses of aquatic habitats in your project area. With GIS and Google Earth©, we determine not only the scale of wetlands surveys, which saves time in the field, we look for potential jurisdictionality.

Consider this Sonoran wash. It's 40 miles from the nearest water body of any measure, yet through as series of connections, once a decade or so, it contributes water to the Babacomari River. Infrequently flowing, easily overlooked waters like this one snake across our dry, western landscape. Insignificant as they may appear, with persistent droughts and growing demand for water, every drop counts. As such, before you build an access road, site a well, or consider expanding your parking lot into the cattails, it's critical you have someone experienced in Clean Water Act delineations and permitting evaluate your project area. 


  • Section 404 wetland and waters delineations and permits
  • Section 401 state certifications
  • Wetland mitigation, onsite and mitigation banking
  • Stormwater Management Plans and state-level permits