Our clients include the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), one of the world's largest oil and gas companies--and a few with a dozen wells--a ground-breaking sage grouse-conservation mitigation bank, and more. Our projects take us to the Mountains of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming, the Pacific Northwest, Idaho's sagebrush steppe, Wisconsin's North Woods, Utah's deserts, major metropolitan areas, and beyond.
Clients and Partners
Duke Renewables
Candela Renewables
Hulet-Urban Group
Black Hills Energy
Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico
Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington
Boise Bureau of Land Management, Idaho
Environmental Management and Planning Solutions (EMPsi)
Pike National Forest, Colorado
Cibola National Forest, New Mexico
U.S. Forest Service, Region II
ATC Group Services
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Tonto National Forest, Arizona
WRA Environmental Consultants
Black Hills National Forest
Access Environmental
Cultural Resource Analysts
Vernal Bureau of Land Management, Utah
Thunder Basin National Grassland
Verdad Energy
Kaibab National Forest, Arizona
Amadeus with eyes on a golden eagle.