What we do
Clean Water Act wetland delineations and permitting
NEPA Environmental Assessments and Categorical Exclusions
Sage grouse and prairie chicken lek surveys and monitoring
Endangered and special-status species surveys, Biological Assessments, and Biological Evaluations
GIS mapping and sub-foot accurate GPS data collection
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) surveys
Rare and endangered plant surveys including specialized surveys required in the Uinta Basin
Stormwater management and permitting
Migratory Bird Treaty Act pre-construction nest surveys
Invasive species inventory and mapping
Habitat and wetland mitigation banking
Habitat Conservation Plans
Candidate Conservation Agreements/with Assurances
Mexican spotted owl 10(a)(1)(A) Recovery Permit
Southwestern willow flycatcher 10(a)(1)(A) Recovery Permit
Little Snake River, CO BLM District approved contractor
U.S. Forest Service Scientific Collector’s License
Arizona Scientific Collection License (selected species)
Colorado State University, FACWet (Functional Assessment of Colorado Wetlands) certified
Federal Highway Administration NEPA-40 certified
Uinta Basin Rare Plants surveyor permit
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Certified-Surface Contractor
BNSF/CSX Other Than Main Track approved
Department of Defense (DOD) Cleared Contractor
Certified EMT
U.S. Forest Service Wildland Firefighter (Red Card)